Published January 2024 | Updated February 13, 2025
As I add articles to the site, I will add them to this page under the subject matter they pertain to along with an outline of what's in each article. I have broken the site into the following subject matters:
What's on the Home Page?
Compliance Obligations | Tax Filing Deadlines
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Small Business Tax Obligations in Canada
2. Tax Compliance in Canada | Learn Your Tax Filing Deadlines
4. Payroll Tax Filing Deadlines For Canadian Small Business
5. T4A Information Slips (Independent Contractor Deadlines)
Payroll Tax
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Canadian Payroll Manual (to be released shortly)
2. Hiring and Paying Your First Employee
3. How to Determine the Province of Employment - POE for Remote Workers
4. T4 Slips and Annual Reporting
5. Budgeting For Payroll Tax Rates
6. How to Pay Employees with Cash
7. Canadian Employment and Labour Standards | Minimum Wage Rates
8. Why You Need An Employment Contract
More >> See also 'Income Tax - Employee Taxable and Non-Taxable Benefits' below
Income Tax - Employee Taxable and Non-Taxable Benefits
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Overview of Employee Taxable Benefits and Allowances
3. Is An Auto Allowance A Taxable Benefit?
4. CRA Mileage Logbook Requirements
(Applies also to self employee and incorporated owner-managers)
Sales Tax
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Canadian Sales Tax |PST GST HST in Canada
2. How To Register For GST HST In Canada
3. An Examination of Canadian Sales Tax Rates: Exploring Reporting Options
Tracing History Archived
6. Understanding Input Tax Credits
7. Careful Before You Cancel Your GST HST Account
8. How To Register For PST In BC | A Guide For Small Business Owners
10. Provincial Sales Tax Rates In BC
11. Tracing The History Of Canada's Transition To HST in 2010
This is an Archived Article and will not be updated. It contains government announcements surrounding provinces transition to HST in Canada
Self Employed - Income Tax
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Basic Canadian Income Tax Compliance (Image Index and Quick Rate Links)
2. How are Sole Proprietors Taxed?
3. Self Employed Tax Deductions
4. 13 Non-Deductible Business Expenses
6. Meals and Entertainment Expense Deduction
7. Do I Meet the Criteria to Claim Home Office Expenses?
→ 🦆 Who qualifies for the home office expense tax deduction?
→ 🦆 Capital expenditures
→ 🦆 How to prorate your home office expense deduction
→ 🦆 Things to consider - what to INCLUDE ... what to EXCLUDE
8. How To Write-off Self-Employed Business Expenses For Your Car
9. How to Deduct Web Related Outlays
10. What is Capital Cost Allowance (CCA)?
11. Canadian Home Based Business And Taxes
12. A Simple Tax Compliance Method For The Self-Employed (Where to Start)
This system is for self-employed "shoe-box" workers who only do their books at year-end for tax preparation.
Corporate - Income Tax & Legal
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Compliance Around Company Owned Vehicles
2. Understanding Your Investment Tax Slips | Do You Have An Exit Strategy From Your Business?
Understanding your investment tax slips
3. FAQ about investment income and retirement pensions
4. Maintaining The Corporate Minute Book - legal requirement
5. Reviewing Common T2 Schedules
Audit Issues and Audit Ready Books
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. What is a CRA Audit Trail? Why Do You Want One?
2. Canadian Prescribed Interest Rates
3. CRA Subcontracting Reporting Requirements
4. Should You Hire A Personal Services Business?
5. CRA and The Underground Economy - The Cash Myth
6. Simplified Non-Business Travel Rates - Not for Business Use
7. Small Business Bookkeeping Basics
LINKS to article on
Audit Process
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
1. Understanding Tax Audits in Canada
2. Small Business Insights Into The Canadian Taxpayer Bill of Rights
3. Responding To A Tax Audit Notice
4. When is Voluntary Disclosure the Right Move?
5. Can CRA Forms be Electronically Signed?
6. Legislation governing Canada's electronic signatures
7. Business Record Retention In Canada | Data Storage Considerations
Retirement Planning
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.
RRSP Tips and Traps for Small Business Owners in Canada
🦆 Also see Understanding Your Investment Tax Slips (under corporate income tax)
CRA Alerts and Policy Change Articles
Under each linked page title, you'll find a listing of what's in the article.